financial-fitness-organizeACCUMULATION PHASE


Most people are financially disorganized – they have accounts all over the place, legal documents are not safeguarded or easily available, and they are unknowledgeable about their insurance coverages, employer benefits, and whether they are paying the right amount of taxes. They make decisions one at a time, and don’t realize the impact each decision has on other parts of their financial world. Our holistic approach helps the clients make decisions that favorably impact the protection, asset, liability and cash flow parts of their lives.


The Living Balance Sheet® is an electronic wealth organizational platform designed to help you take appropriate actions to achieve your desired results, which provides:

  • Clarity in the planning process
  • Four interdependent financial domains of protection, assets, liabilities and cash flow
  • A personal secure website
  • Account aggregation with over 6,000 financial institutions
  • Automated alerts and alarms
  • Secure online vault to store copies of important personal documents, audio, and videos


Set goals:

Most people just buy products and think they have done their financial planning. We explore what keeps you awake at night, what are the dreams you keep postponing, and what is getting in your way. Goal setting changes over one’s life, and this means a plan must be flexible.



Our philosophy begins with protecting what you have already accumulated prior to taking more risk. Since “cash is king” its important to understand the hierarchy of cash flow management. Many clients are not financially balanced…a good example of financial imbalance is having all of your retirement savings in tax-deferred accounts. Keeping up with inflation is not the only cost that your planning must consider, and therefore we encourage our clients to save between 15-20% of their gross income. Lastly we recover and redeploy “lost dollars” found in poor insurance policy construction and lack of tax planning, for example.

With this education, the typical goals – education planning, retirement planning, more time, leaving something for my children and grandchildren, changing careers, buying a second home, etc etc, are achieved by using uncommon strategies.

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